
Well, wasn't that fun. Perhaps we should thank GaryStJ for giving wmtc readers a chance to strut their stuff. (Or not.) Once again I am grateful for the intelligent, engaged, caring community that has formed here.

Here are some particularly irritating scenes from the dustup. (Some of the best words for heated clashes are antiques, preserved by baseball: dustup, brouhaha, and my favourite, donnybrook. Great etymology for that one.)

Gary: Question, question, question, question, question.

Laura: Answer, answer, answer, answer, answer.

Gary: Why won't you answer my questions?

Laura: Please see above.

Gary: Why won't you answer my questions?

Laura: See above.

Gary: Why won't you answer my questions?

Laura: See above, $%*&@!

Gary: There she goes, flying off the handle. But she still won't answer my questions.

My other fave is this.

Gary: Canada and the US are the same.

Commenters: Here are some specific ways in which they are different.

Gary: Stop speaking in generalities and cliches.

Commenters: Here are some specifics.

Gary: All you can offer are cliches and generalities.

Many more commenters: Here are many more specifics. Why don't you respond to them?

Gary: You can't expect me to respond to all of you, can you?

Allan called it early on: a troll. A troll with a larger vocabulary is still a troll.


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