
Last week we met Lone Primate, an absolutely lovely evening. LP's (extremely flattering) description of that event is here, with some nice pictures.

Today it's dim sum with M@. I'm looking forward to getting a copy of his new book. (M@, is there a link?).

Last night we had dinner with Ellen The Amazing Dogsitter and her partner Paul. Although Ellen doesn't blog, we connected through Craigslist.

I am incredibly happy and appreciative to be meeting friends here in our still-new home. I feel myself putting down roots, and it's a good feeling. Long-time readers will forgive my repetition of a constant theme: without the internet, this would have been a far more difficult and lonelier experience.

I think I will steal the title of Lone Primate's post for this one. Sometimes it's so hard to think of one word!


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