I just finished reading Collapse . It took a while, because a novel I had requested at the library came in, and I put down one book to read the other. But I went back to finish Collapse , and here's my three-word review: Read this book. Make that five words: Read this book, right away. It scared the hell out of me, and made me glad I don't have children. (I'm always glad I don't have children; this was an extra boost.) But I have many people I love, and I care about the world around me, so not being a parent is not much compensation. It's not that I doubt humans' ability to change the world, and to make bold choices for our own survival. What I don't see is the political will. Too many people who control resources and can make decisions that affect whole nations are mired in short-term thinking, concerned only with their own power and profit, and . That's what scares me. Jared Diamond is now two-for-two with me, and I still recommend Guns, Germs and Stee...