facts for trolls

1. I am still an American citizen. That is not a matter of choice. The US and Canada require that I retain my American citizenship for a certain number of years, no matter where I live.

2. I am not a Democrat. I have voted Democrat in some elections and for progressive third-party candidates in others. In general I hate the Democrats almost as much as I hate the Republicans.

3. You are free to express all your opinions. However, I am under no obligation to host your opinions. That is not censorship. Censorship would be if you were somehow prevented from having your own blog, say, wemovetocanadasucks.blogspot.com. I have no power to censor you and wouldn't exercise that power if I had it.

4. I am not attacking you. I did not post insulting, ignorant comments on your blog. You, however, posted insulting, ignorant comments on my blog, which you freely admit you did not even bother to read.

5. This is my own blog. My partner, whose blog you also know, reads and comments on my blog, and I on his. We are each individuals and are solely responsible for the content on our respective blogs.

6. We don't know you and we wish you no harm. (Well, I don't.) Now please be a good boy and go away.

* * * *

Additional information you might find useful:

7. We decided to move to Canada in late 2002 and filed our immigration applications in 2003. Note that this was before the 2004 "election". George W Bush's continued residence in the White House, although loathesome, was not a determining factor.

8. We have lived in Canada since August 30, 2005 and have no plans to leave. We are planning to apply for Canadian citizenship as soon as we are eligible.


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