while i'm gone

We're leaving for Peru a week from Monday. I'm thinking I'll use wmtc as a travel journal while I'm gone. Anyone who's interested can follow along with our adventures.

It will be an old-fashioned travel journal, I'm afraid: text only. We'll be taking tons of photos, but I'd rather not deal with sorting them out and posting them in internet cafes. Think of it as an exercise in imagination.

I have a travel journal from every trip I've taken since I first traveled on my own in 1982. (NN, if you're reading, that's us! Circles Over Europe.) About ten years' worth are in notebooks, actual pen and paper, until I started traveling with a laptop.

For this trip, moving around a lot by plane, train and bus, we want to pack as lightly as possible, plus we don't want the added concern of keeping the laptop free from harm. So it's back to pen and paper for me, which would all be sweet and quaint if it weren't for my dodgy hands (arthritis, carpal tunnel, what have you). I really can't write with a pen for any length of time.

What I'll probably do is make notes in a notebook, then flesh things out in more detail online. I understand that in Peru, like a lot of countries where few people have internet access at home, there are internet cafes in every town, and connections are fast and cheap. So this should work out very nicely.

I briefly considered picking up a little folding keyboard for my iPAQ, as Alan With One L has always suggested, and as my brother recently mentioned. But then I still have to think about charging the iPAQ battery, and keeping it safe, both from getting smashed in our suitcase and from theft. So I'll leave my trusty handheld at home and be an anachronism.


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