
I've been avoiding the blog this morning, afraid if I post, all I'll do is whine. I'm feeling very whiny.

I'm feeling a bit like the world is closing in around me. My sweet little life, home all day in my cute little house, taking care of business, afternoon tea with my sweetie, never at the gym or a store when it's crowded, plenty of time for all my writing assignments... all coming to a screeching halt.

I'm also a little worried. My health issues demand that I balance out my activities and get enough rest. Last time I was working full-time, I was really unable to do anything else. But that was a long time ago, before I had a proper diagnosis and good treatment. My health is much better now. I just wonder if, after working a full 40-hour week, if I'll have anything left.

Temporary, temporary. I keep telling myself it's temporary.

Who knows, in a few weeks, the Perfect Job could appear, and you can all laugh at me for being worried about a little temping.

Maybe later today I'll think of something more interesting to say.


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