
Yesterday's shoes-in-the-house post certainly drew a lot of interest. (Thanks to Lone Primate for bringing up this important cultural distinction!) Maybe I should change wmtc's subtitle. "no shoes, please, we're canadian"? Or "shoeless indoors since august 30, 2005"?

I have an interview today at a big corporate law firm that's looking for word-processors. As of right now they don't have a spot with my kind of hours. The agency is thinking that once they meet me, they might create one. It's been known to happen, and they haven't ruled out the possibility.

So, while I'm sure I can get the job that's being offered, I don't know if they'll offer me the job I want.

I also have an interview tomorrow, for a part-time writing gig. It sounds a little wacky, and whether that's wacky in a good way remains to be seen. I answered an ad and was intrigued enough to see it through. Details to follow.


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