
The Closing Ceremonies were great! Surprising, creative and fun. I tuned in just to see Sam Sullivan, but ended up watching the whole thing, and enjoying it. (Except for the unbelievably frequent commercials. Maybe that's more at night, during the prime time re-broadcast.)

Sam was great, too. His international moment went off without a hitch, and just by being there, he's helped the cause. If I was proud and inspired to see him on that stage, can you even imagine how kids in wheelchairs feel when they see him?

Electing a mayor who has a serious physical disability - and not even making a fuss about it - is not something that could happen in too many cities, or countries, in the world.

You know, for most of my life I didn't use the flag of my country, not even on a postage stamp, and I didn't stand for the national anthem. I don't know what's happening to me, but I really dig the Maple Leaf. I even like hearing O Canada. You'll pardon my amazement. This national pride thing is really new to me.

Well, I had a relaxing and productive weekend, and - thanks to getting it out of my system this morning - I'm starting my work week sans anxiety. Just gonna take it as it comes.

I may not post tomorrow, but I have a special post planned for Tuesday.


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