end of an era

The era of Laura writing full time ended three weeks ago. The era of Laura having lots of free time ends now.

Starting Monday, I'll be working Monday through Friday, 9 to 5, until late April, unless the Perfect Job shows up before then. I need the work, and it comes just in time for our bank account. We won't have to dip into our savings.

On the other hand: ARGH! I haven't worked a straight full-time job since 1991. And did I mention that my hourly rate will be exactly less than half what I last earned in New York? (We knew that before we moved.)

Hooray! Boo! It's great! It sucks! Mixed feelings? Why, yes.

I've no idea when I'll blog. Certainly not before I leave for work in the morning. So expect some gaps until I get re-settled.


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