
A last word on Laura's BBC Fiasco. Readers tell me it's archived, at least for 24 hours, which would be until around 1:00 Eastern Time today. If you'd like to hear it, by all means, do listen.

Keep in mind I was specifically told it was not a debate format, and I never expected that the "discussion" would include a right-wing talk-show host. As you listen, you'll hear where he sideswiped me and the show (for me) went off the rails. After he shouts, "That's a blatant lie! If that were true, George Bush never would have..." they cut off my mike. I had collected myself and was prepared to give a quick retort, but they never let me in.

I admit I was a bit thrown by this yesterday. Hey, I get an email from BBC World Service telling me they'd like me on a radio show - exciting! I did a good interview with the producer, she said they'd love to include my point of view - fun! Then I end up feeling trapped and set-up - and infuriated. We never should have been debating the status of abortion rights in the US (what does that have to do with the election in Canada?), but baby, that is a topic I know up, down and backwards. I was angry that an ignorant lie was allowed to stand as the last word.

So the whole thing rankled. But after a few cups of tea and some venting, and a good night's sleep, I can move on. As always, I thank you so much for your support.

Periodically I am asked to do interviews or even appearances on certain topics, and I always say yes if at all possible. It's good experience, and you never know who you'll reach. I'll continue to say yes, but perhaps be a little more wary.


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