open thread

It's spring-like outside, and the headlines are as lovely as the weather: "Harper's Lead Takes A Hit: With Tory Leader straying from script, poll shows support for his party waning". I am hopeful that the fever is passing, and Canada is coming to its collective senses.

We went into Toronto last night, had dinner with friends at the Bloor Street Diner. The food was very good, the company was excellent. These are people who I originally met online, then who'd see on our visits to the GTA, during our application process. They're very busy urbanites, much like I once was. They love Toronto and are fairly contemptuous of the suburbs.

Catching their drift, I can take the measure of how much my life has changed. There was probably a time when I sounded like that, too. These days I find myself not just loving Port Credit, but really appreciating Mississauga, too.

I grew up in the suburbs, bored and rebellious, anxious to spring my trap and leave suburban life for the tumble and din of the city. Which I did, with great gusto, for more than 20 years.

And now here I am. Never thought I'd see the day, but I've turned suburban. I'm glad Toronto is right down the highway, but I don't find myself wishing I lived there. Life is funny.

Well, not much to say today. Comments are open and waiting. Feel free to take this thread in any direction, off-topic apologies not needed.


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