hypocrisy du jour

Redsock just sent me something hilarious and terrific.

Down in that surreal world known as the US media, wingnuts are screaming for Hillary Clinton's head. (What's new, right?) Apparently, while addressing an African American organization on Martin Luther King Day, Clinton committed an unforgivable sin. She used the word "plantation" to describe Republican-controlled Washington, DC. The wingnuts are calling for an apology or - holy smokes, boy wonder! - her resignation!

Yes folks, it's Bizarro World, where up is down and black is white. A criminal sits in the White House, but a Senator should resign because she used a word that... what? Reminds people there was once slavery in the United States?

Now, you must know I'm not a fan of Hillary Clinton, not by a long shot. She's exactly the kind of Democrat that drove me first to Ralph Nader, then to Canada. But come on, folks! The many levels of irony at work here have set my head aspinning.

Rather than try to organize the flood of sarcasm that's trying to leap from my keyboard, I'll share this with you: the Reverend Al Sharpton's response. Nothing I could write could even aspire to this level. Watch, listen and enjoy. Thanks Allan!


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