ground rules

Wmtc has lots of new readers these days, thanks in large part to all the interesting discussions going on in comments. I think it's time for a restatement of some ground rules, with apologies to long-time readers who already know this.

With all the political discussion that goes on here, you might not realize that wmtc isn't a completely open forum, an "anything goes" kind of blog.

While I was still in the US, I was periodically verbally attacked by wingnuts who were incensed at the idea that anyone would choose to leave TGNOTFOTE*. Wmtc still gets the occasional nasty comment, although now that I've left, they've mostly given up. (Why did they care in the first place? That's the eternal question.) Usually I deleted the attacks - unless I was feeling playful, then I hung the comment like a piƱata and we all had a good time.

In addition, I also don't want this blog used for fierce debates on controversial issues. Like many of you, I have very strong opinions and am passionately devoted to some beliefs that can be divisive. While I very much enjoy the exchange of information and ideas, I do not enjoy debating with people from diametrically opposed points of view.

What's more, I see no reason why my own blog should lend time and space to opinions I find morally offensive. For this, I have been accused of censorship, which just shows that someone needs a dictionary.

Many people are amazed that I simply don't want to debate. Commenters regularly try to goad me into arguments, resorting to the silliest schoolyard tactics ("You're just afraid you'll be shown up as wrong!" or "Whassamatter, the truth hurts?"). In turn, I closely monitor my email, deleting comments as fast as they show up. The commenter goes a little mad with frustration, then gives up and goes away.

From an old post on this topic:
This blog is my private space, my little oasis. That would seem contradictory, since it exists on the internet and anyone can read it. But it's a private space that I choose to share. I don't blog about my most personal feelings; you'll never read about my relationships, or family issues, or details about close friends. Those exist in an even more personal realm. But this blog is my soapbox: a place to tell my story, a place for my voice. . . .

There are a multitude of places I can read opposing viewpoints. I don't live with my head in the sand. I know what's out there. But if I were to allow this blog to be a forum for debate, I would spoil my little oasis. Blogging would become combative, stressful, annoying - hardly the point of something I do for enjoyment.

Everyone has a right to his or her opinion. Everyone has a right to make that opinion known. But I'm under no obligation to rent them a billboard in my own backyard.

Ask me a question, I'll try to answer. Post your opinion, if it's not morally offensive to me, I won't delete it. But try to engage me in debate on this blog, and you'll end up frustrated.
When I wrote that, there were about 25 people reading wmtc. My little manifesto seems kind of quaint, given what this blog has evolved into. But since I'm expecting a Roe-related attack, it's worth repeating.

* "the greatest nation on the face of the earth"


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