
A generous friend of wmtc, Peregrinato, sent me some terrific reading material: "Peace, Order and Rocky Government: A Survey of Canada", from The Economist. Articles include:
* Alienating the west: Canada gets its very own Texas.
* A dream that does not fade: Quebec might yet quit Canada.
* Living with number one: Relations with the United States are fraying.
* A funny sort of government: Canada's dysfunctional politics.
* The perils of cool: Canada has everything, except perhaps ambition.
It's The Economist, so it's well researched and well written, although I think some of it leans too heavily on stereotype. I've been reading it for a while, trying to figure out how to blog about it, to no avail. There's too much of it, and no link. But I do recommend it.

So let me put it this way, if you'd like to read more, email me.


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