
I watched the English-language debate last night. Apparently the four candidates were more peppery in English than en Francais. (Is that true? Did any wmtc readers watch the French-language debate on Thursday night?)

I can't say I learned anything new, but I did enjoy seeing the Fab Four in action. As much as I think Paul Martin is a grandstander and a gladhander - not quite Clintonesque, but aspiring - I do agree with much of what he says. Yes, I'm aware of the disconnect between what politicians say and what they do. I am from Planet Earth.

I think Jack Layton is really cool. Or maybe what's cool is that there is an NDP - a active, viable, left-of-center party. One more reason to apply for citizenship when I'm eligible.

Giles Duceppe strikes me as completely bereft of ideas. Maybe he doesn't need any. All he has to do is stand there and repeat, "Referendum. Liberals stole money. Referendum. Liberals stole money."

The Sponsorship Scandal doesn't bother me at all, nor would it if I were voting. Politicians stole some money? Gasp, stop the presses! Are we to believe that there's a party comprised entirely of the squeaky clean and honest? It's a ridiculous notion. Power corrupts, and proximity to large amounts of money is very tempting. This is the way of the world. The amount of money was fairly negligible, and the country doesn't seem to be suffering under the Liberal government. Just the opposite. Other than political hay for the opposition, I don't think it's important.

I'm incredibly glad Stephen Harper is the leader of the Conservative Party, as he's got to be their kiss of death. I'm counting on you, Canadians. Don't let me down.

What did you guys think? First of all, did you watch? If not, why not? And here's a question for anyone reading? Is there any chance the debates - or anything else you might see or hear during this campaign - will change your vote?


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