
Still no sign of that famous Canadian winter. Yesterday it reached a balmy 17 degrees here in the GTA. For you Fahrenheit readers, that's about 62 F, lovely weather for November. (Lovely weather for any time if you ask me!) I went for a long walk, this time following the Waterfront Trail west instead of east.

I've just about reached the limit of Waterfront Trail I can explore in comfortable walking distance from our house, making a one-hour loop. Soon I'll have to start driving to different spots on the trail and walking from there. Depending on the weather, this might happen next Spring.

I bought a whole set of trail maps from the Waterfront folks. Yes, I know you can print out sections from .pdfs, but I wanted the entire trail. It would cost more in ink cartridges than it would to purchase them, and the quality wouldn't be as good. They came in a spiral binder with a plastic cover.

As the leaves fall, I'm making plans for winter exercise, either buying a treadmill or joining a pool. I can exercise at home with no problem, and if I'm just going to walk on a treadmill and use weights, I'd just as soon skip the driving and do it at home. Only one thing could sufficiently motivate me to get in my car to exercise, and that's swimming.

I'm in the midst of investigating my swimming options. The Mississauga YMCA has a pool, and it's not far from me; there are also pools at two nearby high schools that have some public hours. I'll be checking those out soon.

Meanwhile, here are some scenes from yesterday's walk.

waterfront trail 11.05.05 001

waterfront trail 11.05.05 002

waterfront trail 11.05.05 003

waterfront trail 11.05.05 004

waterfront trail 11.05.05 005

waterfront trail 11.05.05 006

waterfront trail 11.05.05 007

waterfront trail 11.05.05 009

waterfront trail 11.05.05 014

waterfront trail 11.05.05 011

waterfront trail 11.05.05 015

waterfront trail 11.05.05 016

waterfront trail 11.05.05 018
Many streets in Port Credit end at little parks like this,
and the parks connect with the Waterfront Trail.

waterfront trail 11.05.05 020
I love cute little houses like this.
They're plentiful around here, scattered among the McMansions.


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