we go to work

Allan has temp work today and for the rest of the week, our first paid employment since arriving. In my experience with temping (which is considerable), once you get work and get a good review, the work starts flowing. It's excellent timing. The Red Sox are home for the winter, Allan's not working on any big writing projects, and a little income will be very welcome.

I have spotted my second Ancient Civs book on the horizon. My editor tells me the assignment is definite, there's just a lot of internal debate about deadlines going on. I sure hope she wins those. I'm likely to get my Kids On Wheels assignment at the same time. No work for two months, then everything at once. The usual.

I truly enjoyed my mother's visit. It made me realize how low-stress my life is right now. In our last months in New York, I was dealing with big writing deadlines, a critically ill dog, and all the pressures and concerns of the impending move. After the move, all that dissipated, then disappeared. Our street and neighbourhood are so quiet and beautiful. I find it so soothing. It's a complete turnaround.


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