the prize

I just drove Allan to the GO station for his second day of work. The work itself sounded fine, but the pay rate is a bit of a shock for us (though fully expected). On one hand, temping doesn't pay very well - a steady word-processing gig will pay much better. And on the other hand, our last jobs in New York paid ridiculously well, enabling us to keep only part-time day-jobs, giving us a lot more time to write. (Or procrastinate, as the case may be.)

We knew we'd never see the likes of those jobs again. Our biggest dread about leaving New York was that it would almost certainly mean working full-time. For now, we've been granted a reprieve by these very well-paid writing assignments falling into my lap. I'm expecting this to be temporary - don't want to get my hopes up too high - but it's great while it lasts.

I'm headed into Toronto today for a little exploring and possibly shopping for a certain someone's upcoming birthday. Report to follow.

* * * *

Congratulations to Harold Pinter. The great British playwright has won the Nobel Prize in Literature, which he richly deserves. Pinter's website is full of interesting info and links.


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