progress report

Today is two weeks since wmtc-day. (Thanks to David Parsons for that name!) We've made tremendous progress.

After our day off on Saturday, we had a mammoth Ikea morning on Sunday before game time. (They serve breakfast! For a dollar!) Much to my surprise, we knocked off every major item on my list. The only things left are either little things that we'll pick up here and there - on the order of a paper-towel holder - or large decisions that I'm not tackling yet, like what to do about the living room windows. Now the house is filled with Ikea boxes, which will magically turn into furniture.

Yesterday we got our auto insurance, which was more expensive than we planned because one of us still has a speeding ticket on record. I'll let you guess who. But the ticket will be gone in six months, so our rates will go down. Today we pick up our new car (!!), and tomorrow we return the rental to the Buffalo airport once and for all. That's a huge item crossed off The List.

We may have finally found dog food that Buster can tolerate, and it's available at a vet's office a short drive away. This is good news for B's health, and for our lives. The white rice and boiled chicken diet isn't very nutritious, but it is more labor intensive than dog food. I look forward to having one less thing to plan.

In general, the to-do list that felt so overwhelming two weeks ago is on the verge of completion, and none of it was very difficult or odious to take care of.

My next book assignment is on the near horizon, but hasn't materialized yet. This might mean an even tighter deadline down the road, but for now, it's so much fun. The gorgeous weather has lulled us into a false sense of Endless Summer. Every morning I walk the dogs along the lakefront, and in the afternoon we have our tea in the backyard. We're in heaven.

Everyone - the bank teller, the insurance agent, the car salesman, the neighbors - wants to know why we are here. I could tell what the bank teller was asking, so I said, "It's for the reason you're thinking of." He said, "Good for you. I don't blame you." The manager he needed to co-sign something wished us congratulations and good luck. Everyone does.

Tonight we're going to the Red Sox-Blue Jays game, taking the GO train for the first time.


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