i heart canadian tire

We have passed another milestone in our Canadian journey: our first trip to Canadian Tire.

Non-Canadian readers, Canadian Tire is kind of a cross between Home Depot (without the lumber) and K-Mart (without the clothes) - an all-purpose hardware and houseware store. They are everywhere (at least in Mississauga), and when you buy something anywhere else, someone will undoubtedly tell you that you can get it for less at Canadian Tire.

In truth, their prices weren't so fabulous, but they were fair, and they had a lot of what we needed.

Living in a house, we need so many things that we didn't have to deal with as apartment-dwellers. A lawnmower and a rake, for starters. Fortunately we both grew up doing yard work, so although we're rusty, we're not complete novices.

Today I will rake leaves for the first time in, let's see... 30 years? Yikes!

* * * *

A helpful commenter just reminded me that I forgot to mention Canadian Tire's most famous quirk!

Every time you shop there, you receive 1% (?) of your purchase in Canadian Tire Money. It's like a bonus points system, but they actually give you paper "money", good for future purchases at their stores. If James and Lori hadn't mentioned this the other day, I would have been quite amazed at checkout! So far I have $3.35. Whoo-hoo.

See comments below: don't let this happen to you.


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