friends and sushi

The internet is an amazing thing. We move to a country and a city where we don't know a soul - but really, we do, thanks to the blogosphere.

I've been suffering from sushi withdrawal since moving, wrenched from my Friday night sushi habit into what may be a sushi wasteland. (Or may not, we have to look more thoroughly.) Fortunately, Toronto is only a short drive away, and it appears to be sushi heaven.

First we saw James and Lori's really cool house in a downtown neighborhood. We had lunch in The Beaches, a neighborhood of beautiful old homes and an "urban village" that borders on Lake Ontario beachfront. Dispelling all myths about Canadian frugality, these generous Trontonians insisted on picking up the tab. Welcome to Toronto!

After lunch, we walked on the boardwalk, saw some of the neighborhood, and scarfed down delicious ice cream at Ed's.

Oddly enough, this was our first time in the city since moving - we've been so focused on our home and our neighborhood. But there's plenty of time to explore Toronto, and the afternoon reminded me that I really want to do that on a regular basis.

Today, Allan takes the plunge: he's registering with a legal staffing agency. We met with this company on our first visit to Toronto, one of two agencies that assured us there'd be plenty of well-paid work for us. Now we'll see how those assurances hold up.

Allan's bummed about the prospect of working again, and I don't blame him. When the time comes for me to find a day-job, I won't be too excited about it either. But it's been three weeks (three weeks today!) since we moved. Real life beckons.


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