my life in lyrics

Commentmeister, friend of wmtc, and - who knew? - lyricist Lone Primate made my morning with this:
Ha, you know, when I read the title of your posting, "life among the boxes", I was suddenly reminded of the Talking Heads song "Life During Wartime". If you look up the lyrics, they seem so appropriate to what you're about to do!

Of course, that doesn't stop us having a little fun with them... :)

Heard of a van that is loaded with boxes,
packed up and ready to go
Heard about Customs, out by the highway,
a place where nobody knows
The sound of yawning, off in the distance,
Guess I’ll get used to it now
Lived in New England, lived in the Boroughs,
I've lived all over this town...

Transmit the right forms to CIC now,
hope for an answer some day
They want our passports, to send us visas,
They sure as hell know my name
Here on the island, the trucks are loading,
everything's ready to roll
I blog in the daytime, I sleep in the nightime,
Next week I’ll have a new home...

Heard about Moncton? Heard about Windsor?
Heard about Surrey, B.C.?
You oughta know not to tell folks you’re going
somebody call you a creep
I got some groceries, some maple syrup,
to last a couple of days
But I ain't got no preachers, ain't got no Uzis,
ain't got no death row to slay

Why stay in New York? Why vote for Kerry?
Gonna be different this time...
In fact, I've thought of "Life During Wartime" several times in relation to our drive north this Tuesday. I have this image of us escaping to freedom. Hugely exaggerated, I know. We're not exactly smugglers on the Underground Railroad. But it's a neat thought, and these lyrics are amazing.


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