village on the lake

I just found this Port Credit website. A little cheesy, but very nice to see!

We'll arrive just in time for the local blues festival, which is kind of funny, since we used to be super, super into blues, and now, not as much. Back in Allan's music critic days, we saw tons of blues, and got a bit burnt out on these local acts.

But hey, an early September music festival down the road? We'll be there. And if we hear a few good tunes in the process, that's a bonus. Click on "directions" and our street is on the map!

The Red Sox - yes, that's the first place Red Sox - will also be in Toronto in September. I think Allan is ordering tickets now. I've also been checking locations of Home Depot, Ikea and whatever the Canadian equivalent of Bed Bath & Beyond is (Home Outfitters?). I told you we'd be good for the local economy. Too good!


  1. Ooo, shiny things... Thank you!

  2. I much prefer Home Outfitters to Winners (which is really T.J. Max) and the HomeSense (which is run by Winners but I find the stuff tacky).

    Linen's N' Things is also up here, and there's also Linen Chest.

  3. That is a nice little website. Thanks for posting it!

  4. Hey L-girl, if you need some shopping assistance, my mom lives in Mississauga, and is always willing to spend a few solid hours shopping. She recently became addicted to the Bombay Company and Pier One. HomeOutfitters is a fave of hers, too. I tease her about frittering away my inheritance. She doesn't find that funny. Then, she buys more lamps. Argh!

  5. Yeah, I get nervous too, every time my folks hit the TO shopping circuit. Soon they'll be asking me to support them in old age, I'm sure, due to this. Not good given that I am a Librarian, which means supporting my own ass is enough of a trial as it is.

    Argh ... doubly so ... may have to win me an inheritance at CasinoRama ...

  6. AndyM: tell her I'll be right over. :)

    I don't care about clothes or shoes (and yes, I am female!), but I shouldn't be allowed into a Bed, Bath & Beyond store without adult supervision. Home stuff is my weakness.

    Books and music, of course. But I can resist those - use the library, and listen to our already extensive music collection. But show me linens, good knives, kitchen gadgets, glassware ... [drool]

    Re inheritance, I expect my mother to spend every penny she has before she dies. I encourage her to. Hey, I ain't leaving anything for anybody, why should she!


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