stop saying that!

These days, whenever I make brief forays into mainstream media, or when it jumps out at me and I can't avoid it, I see or hear the phrase "now-retracted Newsweek story," or "a story in Newsweek, which has since been retracted". That's the party line: the story was false, Newsweek retracted it. Even though the story was true, Newsweek wasn't the first to report it by any means, and the retraction was coerced.

This morning I find this on the front page of the New York Times:
Newly released documents show that detainees at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, complained repeatedly to F.B.I. agents about disrespectful handling of the Koran by military personnel and, in one case in 2002, said they had flushed a Koran down a toilet.

The prisoners' accounts are described by the agents in detailed summaries of interrogations at Guantanamo in 2002 and 2003. The documents were among more than 300 pages turned over by the F.B.I. to the American Civil Liberties Union in recent days and publicly disclosed Wednesday.
The story goes on to say that these are the unsubstantiated charges of prisoners (what, the guards don't won't corroborate? I'm shocked!), and that none of the newly released documents confirm the Newsweek report. Uh-huh. File this under "yellowcake from Niger," or perhaps "weapons of mass destruction related activities," or perhaps "this was a war of liberation".

By the way, those "newly released documents" are a product of the ACLU's Freedom of Information Act lawsuit. The FOIA that the government is trying to dismantle...


  1. True dat.

    I can just hear Baby Bush right now screaming "stop saying that, you're hurting us, you're hurting us!"

    Sorry, Baby B. You guys hurt yourselves on this one with your choice of toilet paper.

    Next time, buy Cottonelle. It chafes less and its application won't get you into trouble with the rest of the world.

    Besides, would you shit on your own Bible? No? Then why the hell are you flushing theirs?

    Wait. Nevermind. That's a moot point, because you guys shit all over your good book every day.

    What waaaas I thinking?

  2. True dat.

    I can just hear Baby Bush right now screaming "stop saying that, you're hurting us, you're hurting us!"

    Sorry, Baby B. You guys hurt yourselves on this one with your choice of toilet paper.

    Next time, buy Cottonelle. It chafes less and its application won't get you into trouble with the rest of the world.

    Besides, would you shit on your own Bible? No? Then why the hell are you flushing theirs?

    Wait. Nevermind. That's a moot point, because you guys shit all over your good book every day.

    What waaaas I thinking?

  3. Besides, would you shit on your own Bible? No? Then why the hell are you flushing theirs?

    Wait. Nevermind. That's a moot point, because you guys shit all over your good book every day.

    Good one, and so true.

    Baby B?? No, no, that's my dog!

  4. Sucks to be you.

    Then again, the human Baby B is a bit of a dog, so it's kinda fitting in that regard.

    Besides, think of it as your dog giving the name Baby B some positivity.

  5. Sucks to be you.

    Then again, the human Baby B is a bit of a dog, so it's kinda fitting in that regard.

    Besides, think of it as your dog giving the name Baby B some positivity.

  6. Well, his name isn't really Baby B. It's Buster, but we call him B - and from that, there's My B, B-Boy, My Baby Boy, My Baby B, and all the other silly lovey-dovey stuff I call him. Hey, what are dogs for.

  7. Well, his name isn't really Baby B. It's Buster, but we call him B - and from that, there's My B, B-Boy, My Baby Boy, My Baby B, and all the other silly lovey-dovey stuff I call him. Hey, what are dogs for.

  8. Awwwww ....

    Yes that is exactly what they are for. To love and to be loved.

    Such great pets - so human at times, too!

  9. Awwwww ....

    Yes that is exactly what they are for. To love and to be loved.

    Such great pets - so human at times, too!

  10. Lol, so you delete comments with information that contradicts your post?

    How mature.

  11. Lol, so you delete comments with information that contradicts your post?

    How mature.

  12. No, I delete rude or nasty comments, or those who insult me, or won't stop arguing.

    You'll find many comments on this blog with alternate points of view, as long as the poster is polite.

    But I haven't deleted any comments today or yesterday. If your comment isn't showing up, it's not because I scrubbed it.

  13. No, I delete rude or nasty comments, or those who insult me, or won't stop arguing.

    You'll find many comments on this blog with alternate points of view, as long as the poster is polite.

    But I haven't deleted any comments today or yesterday. If your comment isn't showing up, it's not because I scrubbed it.

  14. What can I tell ya. Feel free to post again, and if it's not flaming or totally offensive to me, there it will stay.

    Or don't. But I had no occasion to delete anyone's comments today.

    Thanks for stopping by.

  15. What can I tell ya. Feel free to post again, and if it's not flaming or totally offensive to me, there it will stay.

    Or don't. But I had no occasion to delete anyone's comments today.

    Thanks for stopping by.


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