code help needed

My blog footer - the Margaret Mead quote - has migrated into the sidebar. No matter what I do, it won't return to its proper place in footerville.

I don't know if this is a Blogger glitch, or my own ineptitude. Any and all help would be greatly appreciated. If your blog has a footer, perhaps you can send me the code.


  1. Took a look at your page source code (which is, by the way, how I learned html in the first place x number of years back). Think it has to do with where the body tag ends. Got a solution that should fix it.

    Note: I'm using [] brackets here so the comment field won't confuse it with an HTML command. Use < > brackets in the code.

    Go into your template, go to the bottom of the code, and above the footer entry you should see the [/body] tag. Don't know how this got up there, it should be below the footer. So, cut and paste it to just beneath the [end #footer] tag. That should fix it.

    If not, try bumping it just above the [/html] tag at the very bottom of the code. However, then it would be below your [script] command for the stat counter, and may cause that not to work. So, only do this if the other solution doesn't fix it (though I'd be surprised if it didn't work).

    Good luck!

    G the L.B.

  2. Took a look at your page source code (which is, by the way, how I learned html in the first place x number of years back). Think it has to do with where the body tag ends. Got a solution that should fix it.

    Note: I'm using [] brackets here so the comment field won't confuse it with an HTML command. Use < > brackets in the code.

    Go into your template, go to the bottom of the code, and above the footer entry you should see the [/body] tag. Don't know how this got up there, it should be below the footer. So, cut and paste it to just beneath the [end #footer] tag. That should fix it.

    If not, try bumping it just above the [/html] tag at the very bottom of the code. However, then it would be below your [script] command for the stat counter, and may cause that not to work. So, only do this if the other solution doesn't fix it (though I'd be surprised if it didn't work).

    Good luck!

    G the L.B.

  3. Thank you G! I'll try this tomorrow. Too tired tonight, just wanted to say thanky.

  4. Thank you G! I'll try this tomorrow. Too tired tonight, just wanted to say thanky.

  5. Didn't work. Pfft.

    I probably accidentally moved that /body code to the wrong place while I was fiddling yesterday. I feel like your little head-banging icon. I can't stand when I can't fix something.

    Anyway, the quote stays in the sidebar for now. I must try to move on.

  6. Didn't work. Pfft.

    I probably accidentally moved that /body code to the wrong place while I was fiddling yesterday. I feel like your little head-banging icon. I can't stand when I can't fix something.

    Anyway, the quote stays in the sidebar for now. I must try to move on.

  7. OK. New idea. I took out all the coding for the footer and left the quote at the end of the sidebar.

    It looks fine and I can live with it.

  8. OK. New idea. I took out all the coding for the footer and left the quote at the end of the sidebar.

    It looks fine and I can live with it.

  9. You've probably already tried this, but what if you add the footer code right before your closing tags, like in the example below? Not sure how this would work with your stat counter - perhaps that has to go last. Anyway, here is the code I used to add my footer - after previewing :) (Like G, I used [] brackets.)

    BTW, I had a meeting at work this afternoon and when I looked up at the guy's cabinet above his desk, I saw a magnet with your MM quote. Don't you love synchronicity?

    [!-- Begin #footer --]

    [div id="footer"][div][div][hr /]

    [p] [p]If God dwells inside us, like some people say,
    I sure hope He likes enchiladas, because that's what He's getting! [br]-- Jack Handey [/p] [/p]


    [!-- End #footer --]


    [!-- End #content --]



  10. You've probably already tried this, but what if you add the footer code right before your closing tags, like in the example below? Not sure how this would work with your stat counter - perhaps that has to go last. Anyway, here is the code I used to add my footer - after previewing :) (Like G, I used [] brackets.)

    BTW, I had a meeting at work this afternoon and when I looked up at the guy's cabinet above his desk, I saw a magnet with your MM quote. Don't you love synchronicity?

    [!-- Begin #footer --]

    [div id="footer"][div][div][hr /]

    [p] [p]If God dwells inside us, like some people say,
    I sure hope He likes enchiladas, because that's what He's getting! [br]-- Jack Handey [/p] [/p]


    [!-- End #footer --]


    [!-- End #content --]



  11. Thanks for the help, Ms Crab!

    Yeah, that's exactly what I had. Assuming there's some kind of Blogger glitch that may now be fixed, I'll try again over the weekend (at work).

    And yes, I love synchronicity. I love when you've never heard of something - say, a book title - and then you run into it four times in a week. And it's not on the best seller list or well known. Something is telling you to read that book!

  12. Thanks for the help, Ms Crab!

    Yeah, that's exactly what I had. Assuming there's some kind of Blogger glitch that may now be fixed, I'll try again over the weekend (at work).

    And yes, I love synchronicity. I love when you've never heard of something - say, a book title - and then you run into it four times in a week. And it's not on the best seller list or well known. Something is telling you to read that book!

  13. Synchronicity is swell. This is a sort of, kind of synchronistic. The only Nadine Gordimer book I've read is July's People, which you talk about so eloquently in another post. Maybe I'm supposed to re-read it...

  14. Synchronicity is swell. This is a sort of, kind of synchronistic. The only Nadine Gordimer book I've read is July's People, which you talk about so eloquently in another post. Maybe I'm supposed to re-read it...


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