to toby from burlington

Attention Toby, RN from Burlington. I tried to reply, but the address on your email doesn't work. So here's a public reply, I hope that's ok.

If you really want to leave the US, I encourage you to work through the forms and the requirements. I understand it seems daunting, but like anything else, if you take that first step and keep walking, you will make progress. You didn't become a nurse overnight; the same goes for anything else you've accomplished. Very few things worth having come without work.

I've heard from several people, especially right after the election, who said they were leaving the US for Canada, then looked into the process more deeply, and decided to stay. Perhaps the change wasn't right for them at that time in their life. Fine. But if your gut or your heart is telling you it's the right thing for you, perhaps you should listen.

To answer your two questions, I don't know of any profession for which there is expedited emigration. I haven't seen that anywhere in the CIC information. Also, we are currently in the middle of the immigration process. Keep reading the blog and go back into old posts for more info.

And - forgive my unsolicited advice - dump the lawyer. A lawyer who only wants to correspond by email and doesn't return your calls does not deserve your business. Plus, you don't need it. You can do the whole process yourself and save thousands of dollars.

If you have more questions or want to chat about this, you are welcome to email me - but this time include a good reply-to address! Best of luck to you.


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