the next hurdle

We go for our medical exams today. As with everything else in the immigration process, there's a specific procedure that must be followed to the letter - we choose a doctor from a short list, we bring our passports, two extra passport photos each, forms to fill out, and so forth.

There was a huge range in fees among the doctors on the list, and the one we chose (the least expensive, of course) only takes cash! Seems a little odd, but whatever. It's not my business if he doesn't pay his taxes, or maybe he's just been ripped off by personal checks.

We're also getting together financial information, affidavits of our status as common-law partners and other documents, while we wait for the FBI to send back our fingerprints. Onward.


  1. Best of luck on immigration. I'm still waiting after nine months, but my circumstances are unique, having lived in five countries in the last 10 years. Immigration would be through with me by now, if not for my Korean and Nigerian police checks.

  2. It's the wonderful Shameless Antagonist! You're quite the globetrotter, eh? Lucky you. So you're living in Canada now, but still waiting on PR status?

  3. That's awesome! You are even typing like a Canadian already!



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