myths and facts

Over at TBNNT, Redsock has linked to an excellent site called Think Progress. It gives factual refutations of W's most egregious lies. Their mission is straightforward:
What We're Fighting For:
Social and Economic Justice
Healthy Communities
Global Leadership
A Secure America
What We're Fighting Against:
Corrupt Establishment
Incompetent Establishment
Braindead Media
Radical Right-Wing Agenda
In The Nation, Katrina vanden Heuvel offers an alternative to the Bush Doctrine.

Arianna Huffington puts the Iraqi "election" in perspective. I never thought I'd be quoting Huffington, but these criminals in Washington have forged some odd coalitions of opposition.

If you can stand it, Cindy Sheehan, whose son, Spc. Casey Austin Sheehan was killed in Iraq, explains why she works for peace. Ms Sheehan was supposed to speak her piece on Larry King, but was bumped for - you guessed it - the Michael Jackson trial.

It's vital that we remember the Cindy and Casey Sheehans. Anyone who supports this war should volunteer to be one of them. Either go and risk your life yourself, or volunteer to lose the person you love most in the world.

For those determined to fight the good fight here in the old US of A, the Principles Project is trying to bring the Democrats back on course. It's a project of 2020 Democrats, who call themselves "a national network of young Progressives".


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