get busy

The extremely savvy folks at There Is No Crisis have turned over some rocks and are about to reveal a wheelbarrow's worth of slime.

A few weeks ago, There Is No Crisis commissioned a research report that went through the public tax records of every group involved in the scheme to privatize Social Security, and wrote a report on who's doing it and funding it. The results ain't pretty.

No Crisis is releasing the first installment of the report to the media this Monday. From their email: "It's really worth reading, both for the pattern of deceit and the incredible top-down structure built over twelve years of partisan activism on the part of USA Next. The report can be read here."

They've done an amazing job, and a service to the country. Now it's our turn to help. From their email:
Now comes your part. We're releasing this to the mainstream media on Monday, after you've had a chance to go through it. Please tell us what the juiciest, most salient pieces of this are. Please do your own research based on what is in here. If you know the people involved and we're missing something, post it in our blog where the report is located. [Here].

We're going to incorporate this feedback and create a press release on Monday. It would be helpful if you would issue this press release to your local media outlet as a representative of Blogpac. In the press release, link to your blog so that your media market knows that you personally are involved in building this information.

Finally, this report cost money to put together, and we want to keep doing stuff like this. Our researcher is beyond awesome (as you'll see), but he has rent to pay and health care needs. We're trying to raise $25,000 so that we do more of this and really engage in effective PR. If you think this is a good use of money, please ask your readers to donate.
So, No Crisis summarizes, they are asking us for three things:

One, read the first installment of the report and offer comments. You can do that on the No Crisis site, right here.

Two, issue a press release or write letters to your local media outlets.

and Three, if you can, donate to this important work. Donate here.

I realize Canadian readers can't or won't want to be involved in this. I urge American readers to get moving.


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