
Who would leave a World Series Championship team to play for the Losers of Loserville? And why would anyone, least of all Pedro Martinez, want to play for the Mets???


  1. On a non-political theme, when you do move here I recommend getting a good set of snow tires for the winter. They really do make a huge difference (especially if you're unfamiliar with the perils of Winter driving in Canada).

    Also, have you tried the seemingly gross yet suprisingly good poutine yet? Of course, don't try it in a place like McDonalds. You need to find a chip truck (little trucks you see here and there that sell fresh-cut french fries and Pogos (corn dogs)).


  2. On a non-political theme, when you do move here I recommend getting a good set of snow tires for the winter. They really do make a huge difference (especially if you're unfamiliar with the perils of Winter driving in Canada).

    Also, have you tried the seemingly gross yet suprisingly good poutine yet? Of course, don't try it in a place like McDonalds. You need to find a chip truck (little trucks you see here and there that sell fresh-cut french fries and Pogos (corn dogs)).


  3. Blue Jays: NO WAY! They are in our division, thus rivals. But ironically, they are one of the big reasons we chose Toronto, so we can see the Red Sox and/or Yankees often. I understand it will be much easier to get tickets up there. Too bad it's indoors, but we'll adjust.

    Kyle, I LOVE political compass! I have sent it to many people, but I've never heard about it from anyone else. I also score in that upper left left-libertarian quadrant. It's a great tool, thanks for reminding me of it. Perhaps I will post about it soon.

  4. Blue Jays: NO WAY! They are in our division, thus rivals. But ironically, they are one of the big reasons we chose Toronto, so we can see the Red Sox and/or Yankees often. I understand it will be much easier to get tickets up there. Too bad it's indoors, but we'll adjust.

    Kyle, I LOVE political compass! I have sent it to many people, but I've never heard about it from anyone else. I also score in that upper left left-libertarian quadrant. It's a great tool, thanks for reminding me of it. Perhaps I will post about it soon.

  5. Snow tires: yes. Redsock grew up in northern Vermont, and even in suburban New York State, where I grew up, they were necessary. Definitely.

    I haven't tried poutine yet, but I want to! I actually love unhealthy disgusting-sounding food like that. Remind me, what exactly is it? I think I'm confusing poutine with boudin, a south Louisiana (Cajun) delicious and unhealthy food.

  6. Snow tires: yes. Redsock grew up in northern Vermont, and even in suburban New York State, where I grew up, they were necessary. Definitely.

    I haven't tried poutine yet, but I want to! I actually love unhealthy disgusting-sounding food like that. Remind me, what exactly is it? I think I'm confusing poutine with boudin, a south Louisiana (Cajun) delicious and unhealthy food.

  7. Poutine: Fresh cut fries, cheese curds, and gravy. It's a weird combination, but it actually tastes delicious (while clogging all of your arteries).

    Pronounce it as poo-tee-n. If you mispronounce it as poo-tin, you get the french canadian word for whore.

  8. Poutine: Fresh cut fries, cheese curds, and gravy. It's a weird combination, but it actually tastes delicious (while clogging all of your arteries).

    Pronounce it as poo-tee-n. If you mispronounce it as poo-tin, you get the french canadian word for whore.

  9. Thanks for the pronounciation tip. Very like the Spanish word puta, also used for whore.

    Those poutine things sound disgustingly yummy, or deliciously gross.

    Oh by the way, we won't root for the Jays, but we will root for the Leafs. We don't have a hockey team, and I think we really should get one.

  10. Thanks for the pronounciation tip. Very like the Spanish word puta, also used for whore.

    Those poutine things sound disgustingly yummy, or deliciously gross.

    Oh by the way, we won't root for the Jays, but we will root for the Leafs. We don't have a hockey team, and I think we really should get one.

  11. p.s. I just re-took the Political Compass test. I placed in the lower left/libertarian quadrant. According to the site's analysis, this is "the classical libertarian collectivism of anarcho-syndicalism (libertarian socialism)". Sounds good to me.

  12. p.s. I just re-took the Political Compass test. I placed in the lower left/libertarian quadrant. According to the site's analysis, this is "the classical libertarian collectivism of anarcho-syndicalism (libertarian socialism)". Sounds good to me.


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