what i'll miss, part 3

the sunday new york times!!!

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What am I going to do without the Sunday Times?? It doesn't matter that I can get articles online. This isn't about reading an article here and there. This is more like an addiction, a compulsion. Sometimes a tyranny. I can be oppressed by my own habits.

It's one thing to go on vacation and skip a week or two - I do that purposely, I refuse to do otherwise. But not reading the New York Times Magazine and Book Review (almost) every week? What will I do?

You probably think I'm joking. I'm only half-joking. I am a little bit compulsive. This is one of those things.

I do like the Globe and Mail. And I'll have more time for all those Harper's articles Allan always wants me to read. But, but... 

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Tonight we are going to the New York Philharmonic (free) concert in Central Park, picnicking with a niece and two nephews. My last one of these, I imagine.

I'm getting so morose about what I'll miss, you might wonder why I'm leaving. But few things in life are 100% good or 100% bad. If I didn't have mixed feelings about leaving, what would that say about my life? It would mean I was lonely (had no one to miss) and hated my present life, and that's certainly not the case.

I think people often don't make changes because it's too much work, or because they're afraid of the unknown. It's always easier and safer to stay put. I've tried to live a different way. I'm making this BLC because, on balance, I want to.

I often feel sad about the things I'll miss, but I can live with that.


  1. No comment -- just noticed that the time of the above post was 2:22:21 -- thisclose to all 2s.

    11:11 is a running joke in our apartment. About a year ago (?), I remarked that it seemed like every time I looked over at the cable box-clock on the TV (either when I was at my computer in the living room or wandering through the apartment), it said 11:11. It had been happening for awhile. Now it's a thing -- we have to note when it's 11:11 -- and point out other groupings of ones out in the real world.

    What a snapshot into our exciting lives! ... I also like 12:34. ... I was obsessed with odometers as a child. ... Hello, is this thing on? Is anyone out there?

  2. You are insane. :)

    But seriously folks. My favorite times are palindromes, like 12:21. I love palindromes. Here's a fave: Not so, Boston.


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