we have a new contract

Our ratification vote meeting was an experience we will never forget. The line to sign in snaked all around the building; it took more than an hour for everyone to sign in. I believe it was the largest turnout we’ve ever had, for anything. At the top of the meeting, the bargaining team stood in the front of the auditorium. Before we could say anything, our members burst out into applause, standing and clapping and cheering — for a long time. I was overwhelmed: the member who took this photo caught my tears. We applauded our members back, and we all stood clapping and cheering and shouting. I have no words to describe how I proud I was — of all of us. While we walked our members through a presentation about the new contract, there was spontaneous cheering and applause throughout. And then the vote: 99% voted to ratify. 99%! Our goals We went into bargaining with four principal goals: - no concessions, - living wage for our Pages, - some improvement for part-time workers, and - the large...