Much is being made of the fact that the US has now lost 4,000 troops in Iraq , and that this terrible milestone was reached on Easter. Since I'm not Christian, and since most of the people being killed in Iraq are not Christian, I can't say I find the Easter date very significant. And the 4,000 number, though awful, is deceptive, when there's at least 90,000 , possibly more than 1,000,000 , Iraqi dead (and they're all civilians!), around 60,000 Americans wounded , who knows how many Iraqis wounded, along with untold physical and psychological destruction. But if Easter helps people think about peace, then Easter it is. Why not. Here are some people who want us to think about peace. This protest took place during an Easter morning mass at Holy Name Cathedral, said to be Chicago's most prominent Catholic church, and the home of arch-conservative Cardinal Francis George. I love protests that disrupt big ceremonies. They're great attention-getters, especially now th...